Hotel Antica Locanda Palmieri - Hotel Orto di Roma



Rooms Guests  


Borgo Palmieri offers many services to make your stay as pleasant as possible. At your disposal private parking, free internet access throughout the hotel, a buffet breakfast with homemade desserts and a restaurant are just some of the services that will allow you to better enjoy your weekend of relaxation or travel of work.


Wi-Fi throughout the hotel


Free private parking

Restourant / Bistrot

Swimming pool


Rooms for families/groups

Pets allowed

Non smoking rooms

Air conditioned rooms



  • Free Wi-Fi internet in all common areas and inside the rooms;
  • Free private parking;
  • Pets allowed at no extra charge;
  • Indoor restaurant;
  • Gardens and verandas, relaxation areas;
  • Swimming pool



The Best Price Guarantee

On our official website we always guarantee you the best available rate and exclusive offers for an unforgettable stay.

100% Secure Payments

To confirm reservation with credit card, this website uses a secure server, according to the universal coding standard Secure Socket Layers (SSL).

Dedicated Assistance

Our staff is always available to assist you during the reservation process and offer you the best solution for your stay. Contact us at +39.06.51530428 or via email at